Cách sử dụng
The word 'set' has many different meanings and can be used in many ways. Here are some simple explanations of how and where to use it:1. To arrange or put in place: You can 'set' the table by putting plates, utensils, and napkins in their proper spots. 2. To adjust or establish: You can 'set' the thermostat to make the room warmer or cooler. 3. To fix or determine: You can 'set' a goal for yourself, or 'set' a deadline for a project. 4. To begin something: You can 'set' off on a trip or 'set' out to achieve a goal. 5. To group together: You can 'set' a series of things in a particular order, or 'set' a group of items aside. 6. To focus or prepare: You can 'set' your mind to a task or 'set' yourself up for success. 7. To ready for use: You can 'set' a trap, or 'set' a machine to start working. These are just a few examples of how to use 'set.' The most important thing to remember is that the meaning of the word 'set' can change depending on the context in which it is used.