LAY OUT - Định nghĩa trong Từ điển tiếng Anh
Cách sử dụng
"Lay out" is an expression we use to talk about organizing or arranging things in a particular way or order. When you lay out something, you're making it clear or visible to others. This expression can be used in a variety of contexts, such as laying out a plan, a road map, a set of clothing or laying out the details of an event. It can also be used in a physical sense, such as laying out a picnic blanket, laying out ingredients to prepare a recipe or laying out tools to complete a task. Overall, "laying out" is about creating structure and order by arranging things in a specific way.
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  • Xây dựng bộ từ vựng cá nhân: Toeic, Ielts, Phrasal Verbs ...

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