Cách sử dụng
The phrase "a level playing field" usually means a situation where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, without any advantages or disadvantages. For example, imagine playing a game of soccer on a field that is not flat but has many bumps and hills. This would give some players an advantage, as they might be better able to navigate the field due to their experience or physical abilities. In this case, the field is not level, meaning the players are not starting from the same position. In real life, we might use the phrase "a level playing field" to talk about things like job applications, where some candidates might have more advantages or connections than others. If we say we want to create a "level playing field" for job applicants, it means that we want to eliminate any advantages or disadvantages so that everyone has an equal chance to succeed. So, to sum up, "a level playing field" means a situation where everyone starts from the same position, without any advantages or disadvantages, and has an equal opportunity to succeed.