Cách sử dụng
The word 'smack' can have different meanings depending on the context. One of its meanings is to hit something loudly, like when you smack a mosquito on your skin. Another meaning is related to drugs, where 'smack' is a slang term for heroin. In everyday conversation, 'smack' might also mean a sharp sound or a loud kiss. So, it's important to understand the context in which the word 'smack' is used before using it in a conversation. For example, if you hear someone say "I'm going to smack the ball," they are likely talking about hitting a ball with a bat or a racket. However, if you hear someone say "He's addicted to smack," they are talking about someone who is hooked on heroin. Overall, it's best to use the word 'smack' carefully and only in appropriate situations where you are sure of its meaning.